Wednesday 28 April 2010

General Evaluation

Here are some of the images i referenced in depicting my digital image of the General. I wanted to convey the idea that he was a proud man, this was done by showing it as a portrait. I also wanted him to appear wise so therefore he has a thoughtful pose. He also has a blank but stern look on his face to imply his no nonsense attitude and coldness. The images i referenced are that of the typical nazi portraits of the time that always seem so false to me. I wanted these false feelings to be associated with the General

The General finished painting

tank evaluation

So yes the tank concept has been finished. The sky and background is heavily influenced by that of Mordor in lord of the rings as the pictures show. The idea is that the 'General' within his tank is leading a legion of troops through europe invading. The city in the background is that of the city in my other concept. The idea is that the sky is burning on fire indicating where the nazis came from

Monday 26 April 2010

Tank Finished

Tank Update

Tiger Tank and Legion Painting

Started the 2nd of the 3 digital painting concepts. Here we see the General in his Tiger Tank leading a Legion of troops away from a destroyed city ( The same Moonlit one)

Sunday 25 April 2010

City Finished

Well here it is, I'm done. Clock count on this painting was a massive 13 hours and 57 mins. Im happy with how it turned out though. Hope I have got across the feeling of emptiness within the destroyed city.More on my influences to follow